As a solar panel owner, you understand the need to keep your panels spotlessly clean for optimal performance. But over time, solar panels can collect dust, dirt, and soil, which can loss of efficiency.
Solar panel cleaning is a simple technique that can improve efficiency and extend the life of your panels. That’s why it’s critical to understand cleaning solar panels from the factors that affect their effectiveness to the various cleaning procedures and necessary safety precautions.
Key Considerations for Solar Panel Evaluation
Solar Panel Performance
The efficiency of converting solar energy into usable electricity is measured by the conversion efficiency of the photovoltaic cells. Which type of solar panel you choose will affect its efficiency. Monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and thin film are the three most common.
You can save money by buying a less expensive, less efficient panel, but there are some other factors to keep in mind. For example, the same size panel can produce more energy and be more efficient. So, the next step is to do both. Generate as much power as possible in the allocated area, or use fewer panels and less real estate to get the same results. Fewer panels equal less money spent on installation, and you can always add more if your energy demand grows.
Loss of Quality
In the solar industry, when the output of a solar panel decreases over time, it is referred to as “degradation”. While the degradation of solar panels is inevitable, the rate of degradation of panels varies. During the first year of operation, the short-term degradation rate of a panel is typically between 1% and 3%. After that, the annual performance loss of solar panels averages between 0.8% and 0.9%.
A solar panel can last between 25 and 40 years, depending on the manufacturer’s quality and durability. After the expected life of a solar panel, it will continue to produce electricity, albeit at a diminished rate, so consider the size of your system and model the expected output over time to get an accurate sense of its performance.
Tips for keeping solar panels safe and clean
Extra care should be taken when cleaning
Solar panels are low maintenance, but they still need to be cleaned twice a year. When cleaning solar panels, it is important to have the right equipment to get up and down the stairs. Ladders, scaffolding, safety harnesses, and helmets are needed to clean the roof. Be careful when cleaning the panels, especially if there is water on them, and avoid operating in bad weather.
Trying to clean solar panels yourself is not a good idea and you are better off hiring a professional service. They are the best people to maintain your panels because they will have the necessary safety clothing and cleaning equipment.
Don’t Touch Them While They’re On!
Never touch active solar panels, which should go without saying but bears repeating. When solar panels are turned on, hundreds of volts of electricity flow through them to be distributed to the power grid. Suppose you want to avoid serious injury or death and the risk of starting a fire in your home. In that case, you should always turn off the power before cleaning or examining electrical appliances.
Likewise, your solar panels should be turned off before stepping on your roof.
Do Not Interfere with Electrical Equipment
Turning on and off solar panels is easy, but that’s the extent of your involvement with the grid. Next, ensure you know how to convert them on or off; this should be obvious from a clearly labeled box, but if you need help, call the installation service. Beyond this, refrain from ever interfering with the electricity supply. In the event of an issue, installers should be contacted so that a technician may be dispatched.
Only touch the system in turning it on and off because you have no idea where loose wires or malfunctions might be.
Post time: Jul-13-2023